I like living in the present. I have your most attention to food. This is we always want to go to understand and pay attention to things.I need to brag about the pie. It sounds will not have any special than your typical apple pie, but this one is perfect. The sugar apple with sugar we added to the blend in together broke down the perfect consistency. Apple is not stable, but they are not afraid. They have caramelization happiness. The crust is gold - not not cooked - not excessive. Touch of cinnamon and nutmeg to give it enough rotation and bite leave you want more things.

Believe that everyone should get to know these. We should pay attention to life and all related news.But to be honest, pie tastes best when they are in love with the person you love. When don't even need to think twice, you each caught a task - to skin, section, and mixed, all things are together in apple and even began to brown. When you enjoy it in the late afternoon when you are not technically hungry, but the smell of a fresh baked pie make you immediately salivate. When you smile, and laughter, thinking, and talk about things, you can't when you were a child. When you realize this moment is short and you have no child, and you love children together, but now you love be adults together. Perhaps this is to make the pie perfect...